You May Never See These 10 Birds in Near Future



The nocturnal Kakapo, a flightless parrot from New Zealand, battles extinction with human aid

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Fruit Doves

Southeast Asia's Fruit Doves, crucial for seed dispersal, mirror the health of their ecosystem

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New Zealand's Kiwi birds face threats from habitat loss and human activities

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Rare Hooded Grebe

Patagonia's Hooded Grebe, with its unique behaviours, edges towards extinction

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Snowy Owls

The Arctic's Snowy Owl, known for its white plumage, navigates survival challenges

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Great Curassow

Rainforest's Great Curassow, striking in appearance, faces serious survival threats

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Resilient California Condor

North America's California Condor showcases the success of conservation efforts

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African Grey Parrots

Endangered African Grey Parrots, known for mimicking speech, need protection

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Northern Bald Ibis

The unique Northern Bald Ibis, a conservation icon, urgently needs protection

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South Pacific's Ultramarine Lorikeets dazzle with blue and green plumage

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