over 15 hours a day!

By iastoppers.com



Animals that

World Sleep Day is observed every year on March 15, focusing on the sleep habits of animals


They sleep for 20-22 hours a day due to their low-energy diet of toxic leaves, primarily active during dawn and dusk

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Sloths sleep for at least 20 hours daily in tropical rainforests, conserving energy to avoid predators

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Little Brown Bat

It sleeps for nearly 20 hours a day to conserve energy, found in North and Central America

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Giant Armadillo

It sleeps for 16 to 18 hours daily due to their low metabolic rate, often found in burrows in South America

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Pythons sleep for 18 hours daily, with the ball python being the sleepiest, found across Asia, Africa, and parts of the West

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North American Opossum

These nocturnal beings sleep for around 18 hours a day

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Owl Monkey

Mainly active during the night, Owl Monkeys sleep for approximately 17 hours a day

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Tigers sleep for 15-16 hours daily, conserving energy for hunting in their natural habitats

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Tree Shrew

Found in South East Asia, Tree Shrews sleep for around 15 hours a day

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