What are Wetlands and How Many Types of Wetlands exits?

By iastoppers.com

Wetlands are distinct ecosystems flooded by water, either permanently or intermittently, characterized by anoxic hydric soils and aquatic plant adaptations

Anoxic cycles, characterized by oxygen deprivation in soils, are prevalent in wetlands due to flooding, distinguishing them from terrestrial land forms

Wetlands are naturally occurring on every continent, with water ranging from freshwater to brackish or saltwater

Coastal wetlands, including coastlines, beaches, mangroves, and coral reefs, are found in land and untouched oceans unaffected by rivers

Shallow lakes and ponds, such as salt lakes and vernal ponds, are durable or semi-long-lasting water areas with minimal flow

Marshes, periodically flooded with water, feature herbaceous vegetation adapted to wet soil conditions, classified as tidal or non-tidal

Swamps, dominated by trees and shrubsnourished by surface water, occur in freshwater or saltwater floodplains

Bogs,waterlogged peatlands in old lake basins, receive most of their water from rainfall

Estuaries, where rivers meet the sea, create dynamic biodiversity with features like salt marshes, tidal mudflats, and deltas