What is Vipassana, for which Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal skips ED summons

By iastoppers.com

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will miss an ED summons to attend a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in Punjab

Vipassana, derived from Buddha's teachings, means "super-seeing" and aims to perceive things as they truly are, with a history dating back 2500 years

Vipassana is a self-transformation techniquethrough self-observation, aiming for experiential understanding to attain true peace of mind and lead a happy, useful life

Originating from the Satipatthana Sutta,Vipassana is the oldest Buddhist meditation practice, preserved through an unbroken lineage in the Theravada tradition

After disappearing from India for centuries, Vipassana re-emerged in the 19th century in Burma, led by monk Ledi Sayadaw, and returned to India in 1969 through SN Goenka

Satya Narayan Goenka opened the first meditation center in Maharashtra in 1976. Today, there are over 380 Vipassana centers worldwide

The 10-day residential Vipassana courseinvolves strict adherence to a Code of Discipline, including noble silence, abstaining from external communication, reading, writing, and sensual entertainment

Vipassana is non-religious, allowing individuals of any faith to participate, emphasizing experiential introspection over religious rituals

The Vipassana training includes morality(sila), Anapana meditation (focus on breath), and the practice of Vipassana to gain wisdom and insight