Unraveling important Indus Valley Civilization sites.


Harappa is a large village presently in the province of Punjab in Pakistan.

 The old path of the Ravi River runs to the north of the site.

It was the first sight to be excavated.


 Mohenjo-daro is located off the right (west) bank of the lower Indus river in Larkana District, Sindh, Pakistan.

 Meaning of Mohenjo-daro is ‘mound of the dead men’.


Located near Gujarat on Bhogva river near the Gulf of Cambay.

 Dockyard was found which may have been used to ship goods to other civilizations like Mesopotamia.


Dholavira is located in Gujarat, Rann of Kutchchh

 Signboard discovered in Dholavira contains inscriptions of the Indus valley civilization that have not yet been deciphered.


Kalibangan is located in Rajasthan on the left or southern banks of the Ghaggar.

 The site has both pre-Harappan and Harappan remains.

Kalibangan gets its name from the dense dispersion of black bangle shards discovered on the surface of its mounds.