75 years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

By iastoppers.com

The UN General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Paris 75 years ago, post-World War II, establishing a foundational international order

UDHR is a concise document with a preambleand 30 articles that articulate fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals

Article 1asserts that all human beings are born free and equal, while Article 2guarantees rights and freedoms without any form of discrimination

Articles within the declaration emphasize the right to life, liberty, and security, while condemning slavery, torture, and cruel treatment

It recognizes the right to seek asylum, freedom of religion, opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, and the right to education

Born out of the "never again" sentiment post-WWII and the Holocaust, the UDHR complements the UN Charter to guarantee individual rights

The formal drafting committee, chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, included members from eight countries and ensured geographical representation

Although not a legally binding treaty, the UDHR has influenced over 70 human rights treaties globally and is the foundation of international human rights law