Want to calculate age of the trees?

By iastoppers.com

 Here is the method ->

The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine has been the oldest tree in existence, with age of over 5,000 years old. But how is the age of trees calculated?

Dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, is the scientific method used to discover the exact age of trees and understanding weather pattern of the region

Tree rings represent annual growth layers, disclosing the tree's age and yearly weather nuances

While light-coloured rings signify spring and early summer, the dark rings mark late summer and fall growth

The width of tree rings correlates with climate conditions; wider in warm & wet years while being thinner in cold & dry years

The contrast in colour between old and newer wood forms are unique and has identifiable patterns

For further development of Dendrochronology, the Asian Dendrochronological Association (ADA) organizes “the Asian Dendrochronology Conference (ADC)”

The ADC is a forum of the Asia’s scientific community & provides a platform to share insights into regional climate variations based on tree-ring studies