9 Must Know Things About the Constitution of India

By iastoppers.com

India's Constitution guarantees secularism, ensuring no religion dominates, fostering equal respect and preventing discrimination based on faith


Besides safeguarding rights, the Indian Constitution outlines duties for its citizens, fostering a balance of responsibilities and freedoms

Fundamental Duties

The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary, spearheaded by the Supreme Court, to protect citizen freedoms and uphold constitutional values

Independent Judiciary

India’s parliamentary system emphasizes the synergy between executive and legislative branches, with a pivotal role played by the Prime Minister

Parliamentary Government

Unique in its adaptability, the Indian Constitution allows amendments through varied procedures, from simple to complex

Rigid and Flexible

The Indian Constitution, a blend of global influences and indigenous ideals, draws from the Irish, American, and British systems

Different Sources

Enshrined in the Constitution, these principles aim to guide India toward social and economic justice

Directive Principles of State Policy

The Constitution enshrines fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech, expression, and religion, crucial for upholding democracy

Fundamental Rights

Standing as the world's longest constitution, India's founding document reflects its rich diversity and governance complexity

Longest Constitution