It was founded in 996 CE in the Tibetan year of the Fire Ape.

The Fire Ape

The Fire Ape:

It was established by the Tibetan Buddhist lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo.

The isolated monastery

The monastery is situated in the Spiti valley, second least populous district of India.


It depicts frescoes displayed on walls depicting tales of the Buddhist pantheon.

Wheel of time

At this place, the 14th Dalai Lama had held the Kalachakra ceremonies in 1983 and 1996.

It is protected by the ASI as a national historic treasure of India.

National historic treasure

'Daughter' monastery

It was built as a 'daughter' monastery of the Tholing Monastery in Ngari, western Tibet.

Ajanta of the Himalayas

Due to its frescoes and stucco paintings, it is known as "the Ajanta of the Himalayas".

Earlier, the Kadampa School and Gelugpa School was developed and currently Serkong School.
