Taj Mahal

By iastoppers.com


is turning


Here are the reasons

The Taj Mahal is a beautiful white marble structure, and perfect amalgamation of Persian, Islamic, and Indian architecture

Built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1631, it stands as the 7 wonders of the world, on the Yamuna River's right bank in Agra, Uttar Pradesh

It is facing an unexpected threat as Yamuna pollution triggered a peculiar phenomenon, turning the iconic monument green

Brown-green stains on the Taj Mahal are attributed to the Goeldichironomus insect,whose excrement causes discoloration

These insects play a role in water quality assessments as their larvae eat algae in the river and remove chlorophyll as waste material

Attraction to the white marble signifies high phosphorus levels from pollution and sediments leading female insects to lay over 1,000 eggs at a time

This is a matter of concern as the stains, primarily on floral motifs and stonework, persist and reoccur every six months

In 2015, the stains were removed using mudpack, but in 2023 larvae grew unusually till late October

ASI is intensively studying the insect's behavior, breeding habits, and exploring methods to maintain cleanliness in Yamuna