northernmost place


Did you know about the

where you can

work Visa-Free?

Rediscovered in 1596 by Dutch explorers Willem Barents and Jacob van Heemskerck, this Archipelago has only 6-7% of land covered in vegetation

It offers a unique opportunity for people across the world to live and work without a visa in a serene atmosphere and frigid climate

With a population of under 3,000, it has inhabitants from over fifty countries making it one of the most diverse places on earth

The inner fjord regions host the most fertile areas, unique flora, and marine species like unicorn of the sea- Narwhal, smallest reindeer, Svalbard rock ptarmigan, blue whales, polar bears, etc

An Arctic climate with temperatures ranging from -40°C in winter to 15°C in summer, 60% is ice-covered and has lichens, mosses, polar willows, and dwarf birch

This Norwegian archipelago offers breathtaking views of the Northern Lights in winter and the "midnight sun" during summer

The northmost settlement in Greenland, it avoids permanent ice entrapment as Gulf Stream keeps the waters around its south and west relatively ice-free

The land of Svalbard suggests possible Norse exploration as early as the 12th century and houses the ‘Doomsday Vault

Svalbard, located to the north of mainland Europe, midway between the northern coast of Norway and the North Pole is connected by snowmobiles, aircraft, and boats!