What Does the India’s Surrogacy Laws Say?

By iastoppers.com

From Womb to Home

It’s woman’s commitment to carry and deliver a child for the intended couple’s parental journey

Surrogacy Defined

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The act safeguards women's reproductive rights and ensures ethical surrogacy practices

Protecting Rights

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A structured legal guide is in place to regulate surrogacy with a focus on rights and welfare

Legal Framework

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The act prohibits commercial practices, promoting altruistic surrogacy while covering essential medical and insurance needs

Altruistic Surrogacy

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The act defines an 'intending couple' as an infertile Indian married duo with specific age criteria for eligibility

Intending Couples

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Eligible women, aged 25-35, having a child, can embark on the surrogacy journey once in a lifetime

Surrogate Motherhood

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The surrogate mother receives no financial gain, but her medical and insurance needs are met

No Compensation

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Surrogate mothers can withdraw participation until embryo implantation and have the right to terminate the pregnancy

Revocation Rights

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Surrogacy is permitted only for valid medical reasons as determined by the District Medical Board

Medical Prerequisites

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India recognizes and supports surrogacy, prioritizing rights, health, and the overall welfare in the journey to parenthood

Moving Forward

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