Spotted Lake


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                              in Canada

The Spotted Lake is a revered waterbody cherished for its cultural, economic, and strategic importance

It boasts a distinctive appearance due to its high concentration of minerals, giving it a spotted appearance

Minerals such as calcium, sodium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate make its unique utility as ammunition raw material

This made it historically relevant to be used in World War I and even later for silver and titanium

The lake serves as a spiritual centre for the Syilx Okanagan People, who named it ‘Kliluk’, for its religious and therapeutic properties

Situated in British Columbia, Canada, this lake’s water evaporates, revealing the colorful mineral pattern on its bed

Most of the magnesium sulfate crystallizes in the summer due to seasonal amount of precipitation

It has been owned by the Okanagan Nation Alliance Chiefs Executive Council and the Syilx People since 2001 to preserve its cultural heritage

Access to Spotted Lake is restricted, symbolizing its sacredness to the First Nations people for saving its ecological integrity