Some of the Greatest Animal Migrations in the world!


Arctic terns perform one of the longest known migrations, flying over vast distances between their breeding and wintering grounds.

Arctic Tern

Sea turtles are renowned for their extensive migrations, with leatherback turtles traveling over 10,000 miles across the Pacific to feed, mature, and lay eggs.

Sea Turtle

Baleen whales embark on lengthy migrations to find food and breeding sites, traversing thousands of miles of ocean.

Baleen Whales

Dragonflies, despite their small size, undertake significant migrations, with routes extending 14,000 to 18,000 kilometers, crossing continents from India through Africa and back.


Wildebeests in Africa participate in the Great Migration, moving millions in number across the Serengeti and Masai Mara to find fresh grazing lands.


Monarch butterflies are known for their extraordinary migration from North America to central Mexico, a journey that spans thousands of miles.

Monarch Butterfly

Caribou in the Arctic migrate in large herds, traveling across vast landscapes to access seasonal grazing areas.


Salmon are famous for their upstream migrations, returning to their birthplace to spawn, often covering significant distances.


Zooplankton in the ocean make daily vertical migrations, moving up and down the water column to feed and avoid predators.


Various bat species migrate seasonally to find food or more suitable habitats, with some species traveling hundreds of miles.
