What are Solar Storms

By iastoppers.com

And How Does It Affect Our Planet?

A solar storm is a surface disturbance that sends charged particles and enormous amounts of energy into space

These storms manifest as coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and solar winds that affect Earth's magnetic field, causing geomagnetic disturbances

Sun's magnetic field flips every 11 years, swapping north and south poles and a full cycle takes 22 years

Like earthquakes, solar storms are classified on a scale from B (weakest) to X (most intense)

When solar storm particles interact with Earth, they can disrupt power grids, radio waves, satellites, and GPS systems

It can lead to long-lasting radiation storms that pose risks to satellites and communication systems

Severe solar storms can induce errors on train tracks and alter traffic lights

During solar storms, communication disruptions may affect radio enthusiasts, pilots, sailors, and drone operators, underscoring the impact of space weather on daily life