10 Smallest Countries

By iastoppers.com


in the world

An archipelago in the Mediterranean, Malta is the largest of the smallest countries with an area of 316 square kilometers

10. Malta

Known for its stunning atolls and vibrant marine life, the Maldives encompasses 298 square kilometres

9. Maldives

A paradise of beaches and mountains in the Caribbean, covering 261 square kilometres

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis

A crucial geopolitical region in Oceania spanning 181 square kilometres across coral atolls

7. Marshall Islands

A haven for financial services and winter sports, this Alpine country measures 160 square kilometres

6. Liechtenstein

San Marino: One of the world’s oldest republics, San Marino is tucked into 61 square kilometres of Italian terrain

5. San Marino

Facing threats from rising sea levels, Tuvalu’s 26 square kilometres are home to resilient communities

4. Tuvalu

An isolated island with a dramatic history of phosphate mining, Nauru covers only 21 square kilometres

3. Nauru

A symbol of luxury and the high life on the French Riviera, Monaco spans merely 1.95 square kilometres

2. Monaco

The heart of the Catholic Church and the smallest sovereign state worldwide at just 0.44 square kilometres

1. Vatican City