Smallest Animals in the World


Meet Paedophryne amanuensis, the world's smallest frog, discovered in New Guinea in 2009, measuring just 0.3 inches

Smallest Frog

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The smallest fish, Paedocypris, found in Sumatra's peat swamps, survives extreme droughts at a mere 0.3 inches long

Smallest Fish

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The Slender Blind Snake, the tiniest snake, thrives globally, feeding on ants and termites, with a length of 4.3 inches

Smallest Snake

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Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat, the smallest bat globally from Thailand and Burma, measures 1.1 inches, resembling a bumblebee

Smallest Bat

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Behold the Bee Hummingbird, the smallest warm-blooded creature, only 2.2 inches long, and lighter than a penny

Smallest Bird

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Madame Berthe’s Mouse Lemur, reigning from Western Madagascar, stands as the smallest primate at 3.6 inches long

Smallest Primate

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