Attack on Red Sea trade route


Know the implications that the World will face

Chemical tanker of Israel was recently struck by drone of Yemen, while it was passing through the Red Sea trade route

Shipping via Panama Canal recently dropped by 50% due to drought, forcing ships to take longer & costlier Suez Canal route

Over 80% of global goods trade relies on sea transport, critical for developing countries like India

Hence, blockages in Bab-el-Mandeb Strait (Red Sea) and Panama Canal can disrupt major shipping routes

Suez Canal accounts for about 12% of the global trade flow and about 30% of the global container transportation

About 12% of global trade passes through the Red Sea, including 30% of global container traffic

Red Sea connects Indian Ocean to the Suez Canal via Bab el-Mandeb Strait, hence its disruption may raise Indian agricultural product prices by 10-20%, affecting trade

Both the incident led Brent crude price jump to over 5%, fortunately this may have minimal impact on international oil prices

Global shipping firms had imposed war risk surcharges, resulting in increase of 25-30% Indian freight rates to Europe and Africa

Slowing demand from the European Union affects India's labour-intensive sectors like textiles and gems