Mystery of Kealia Pond of Hawaii turning Pink ->


Hawaii's Kealia Pond was recently captivated with a mysterious bright pink hue, prompting scientific inquiry and public curiosity

Kealia Pond is a habitat for Hawaiian coots and Hawaiian stilt & attracts migratory birds in winter, the changes in it is a serious matter

Scientists suspect drought-induced changes might have triggered the pond colour, and they have cautioned to stay away from the water

Lab studies have ruled out harmful algae, and pointed towards halobacteria or halobacterium, thriving in highly salinized waterways

Salinity in the Kealia Pond exit area exceeds seawater levels, registering 70 parts per thousand, impacting the water's color

The absence of water from Waikapu Stream, a usual contributor, contributes to heightened salinity, possibly reversible by rain

The rainwater from the stream might dilute the salinity, potentially altering the water's colour and resolving the phenomenon