PepsiCo vs Farmers


Who can claim the

Potato Chips?

In a significant legal development, the Delhi High Court has permitted PepsiCo to patent its chip-specific potato variety, FL 2027

This ruling reverses earlier decisions, thereby upholding PepsiCo's appeal for a potato patent

The case hinged on the intricacies of India's patent laws, which protect inventions, including plant varieties under specific criteria

Central to PepsiCo's argument was Section 34 of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001, which defines the grounds for revoking plant variety registration

The Act itself is a cornerstone in Indian legislation, enabling protection for plant breeders while ensuring respect for farmers' rights

Plant Breeder's Rights (PBRs) are a key aspect of this law, offering exclusive rights to breeders of registered plant varieties

This recent ruling by the Delhi High Court highlights the complex balance between corporate patent interests and the rights of farmers in the realm of agricultural innovation