Know the rules before planning to visit Parliament House


Parliament Security Breach

Parliament House isn't open for casual visitors; a special guest pass is required, obtainable from the Parliament security establishment, with permissions needed even when the House isn't in session

Gazetted officials or MPs can suggest names for entry passes, which are necessary for touring the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha inner lobby

Visitors are accompanied by an official of the House during the visit, allowing them to explore the inner lobbies of both the houses

Special passes allow guests to observe live parliamentary procedures for one hour, after which they must leave the premises

Visitors must provide accurate information, avoid using initials in names, and strictly follow rules, including the prohibition of mobile phones and laptops

The Parliament House Complex strictly adheres to a no-single-use-plastic policy

The complex is under CCTV surveillance, and violators of the code of conduct face appropriate actions

Once slots are booked, no more can be reserved for the day if the maximum limit is reached. Passes are non-transferableand valid only for the issued date and time

There are separate passes for visiting the Lok Sabha (Green) and the Rajya Sabha (Maroon), each offering a unique experience