Why Pangolins are most trafficked mammals in the world?

By iastoppers.com

Unique Scales

Pangolins are coveted for their unique keratin scales, believed in some cultures to have medicinal properties, making them a prime target for poaching and trafficking

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Traditional Medicine

In traditional Asian medicine, particularly in China and Vietnam, pangolin scales are used to purportedly cure various ailments, from arthritis to cancer, fueling illegal trade

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Delicacy Status

Pangolin meat is considered a luxury delicacy in some parts of the world, which drives its demand in the black market and restaurants that cater to exotic tastes

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Habitat Loss

Rapid habitat destruction forces pangolins into closer contact with humans, making them more accessible to poachers and increasing their risk of being trafficked

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Low Reproduction Rate

Pangolins have a low birth rate, typically birthing one offspring per year, which means that their populations can't quickly recover from over-exploitation and poaching

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Insufficient Legal Protection

While international trade in pangolins is banned, enforcement      is often weak in many countries, and penalties for trafficking are not      always a significant deterrent

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Lack of Awareness

Many people are unaware of pangolins and their plight, leading to continued demand and consumption due to ignorance of their critical conservation status

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