Nazool Land


What is it, how it originated, and who owns it?

What is Nazool Land?

A unique government-owned land, not directly managed as state property.

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Origins of Nazool Land

Nazool land's roots trace back to British rule, from lands confiscated from revolting kings.

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Post-Independence Transition

After Independence, these lands, lacking royal documentation, were earmarked as Nazool for state governance

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Purpose of Nazool Land

Nazool lands are utilized for schools, hospitals, and community buildings.

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Lease and Administration

Nazool land is often leased to entities for periods between 15 to 99 years for varied purposes.

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Renewal and Regulations

Lease renewal is a written request away, subject to government discretion.

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Governance Framework

Guided by Rules: The Nazool Lands (Transfer) Rules, 1956, frames the adjudication process.

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Distribution Across India

Widespread Yet Unseen: Major cities across India utilize Nazool land for diverse developmental needs.

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