

What are 22 Vows of B.R. Ambedkar?

Introduction to B.R. Ambedkar:

He was a social reformer, economist, jurist and was leader in drafting the Constitution of India.

Dalit Buddhist Movement

He was against caste-based discrimination and advocated for adoption of Buddhism by Vaishnav Jan.

Conversion to Buddhism

Ambedkar publicly converted to Buddhism 1956 and termed his version as Navayana or Neo-Buddhism.

The 22 Vows

He introduced the 22 vows, which act as guidelines for the social revolution in Neo-Buddhism.

Following Buddha's Dhamma

No belief in Buddha as an incarnation of Vishnu and belief in Buddha's Dhamma as the only true religion.

Upholding Buddha's values

Including Noble 8-fold Path and 10 Paramitas, along with belief in equality of all humans.

Which actions must be avoided?

Prohibiting Brahmin ceremonies, Shraddha, Pind daan, stealing, lying, carnal sins, intoxicants.

Which actions must be performed?

Compassion and kindness for all beings and belief in rebirth and leading a life according to Buddha's teachings.