Natural Calamity?


What is

Is every disaster incident a Natural Calamity?

Tamil Nadu has recently appealed Union Government to Declare Cyclone Michaung and Historic Rains as 'National Calamity'

Earlier, some states have demanded to declare lightning as a 'Natural Disaster.'


Himachal Pradesh's 2023 Calamity- Landslides, Cloudbursts, Floods, led state to declared whole region as 'Natural Calamity-Affected Area'

Disaster Management Act, 2005 defines 'Disaster' as a catastrophe, calamity, or mishap—natural or human-caused

Categories of Disasters includes- Natural (Cyclone, Flood, Earthquake) or Man-Made (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)

Currently, there is no provision to declare an incident as Natural Calamity in India

10th Finance Commission had proposed “a national calamity of rarest severity” as criteria if it affects 1/3rdof the population of a state

It also proposed 'Calamity of Rare Severity' as criteria whose severity is determined by magnitude, intensity, help required, & state's ability

Procedure after a Calamity is declared “rare severity” or “severe nature”:

Calamity Relief Fund (3:1 Center-State Share) and National Calamity Contingency Fund are given to states as assistance