Mount Merapi


Why it is called 'the Fire Mountain of Indonesia'?

Indonesia's Active Volcanoes

Over 120 active volcanoes, with latest eruption at Mount Marapi, Sumatra

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Eruptions dating back to the 11th century, with worst eruptions in 1870 and October 2010

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Mount Merapi:

A Historical Perspective

"Meru" (Sanskrit) means 'mountain' + "api" (Javanese) means 'fire,' and hence 'Mountain of Fire' or 'Fire Mountain'

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Meaning of Merapi

Located in Yogyakarta, Java, it is a part of the Ring of Fire & one of the 129 active volcanoes in Asia-Pacific Islands

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Mount Merapi's Location

A cone-shaped volcano of height 2,911 meters, above sea level and spews minerals, lava, ash, enhancing soil fertility

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Geological Features

Its 1006 AD eruption is said to be the cause of disappearance of Mataram empire in the 11th century

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Historical Impact

Integral to Javanese sultans; Keraton of Yogyakarta faces the mountain & is said to be guarded by spiritual “guards”

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Cultural Significance