Mahatma Gandhi The Architect of India's Non-Violent Freedom Struggle

Born on 2nd October 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat.

Early Life

Education Journey

Studied law in London; called to the bar in 1891.

South Africa

Developed Satyagraha against racial discrimination.

India Return

Returned in 1915; led Indian National Congress.

Beginning of Nonviolent Campaigns

Led Champaran campaign (1917), Kheda satyagraha (1918) and Ahmedabad mill strike (1918).

Dandi March (1930)

Led 385 km march against the British salt tax.

Multiple Imprisonments

Jailed in South Africa and India for anti-colonial activities.

Vision for India

Envisioned religious pluralism and Hindu-Muslim unity.

Quit India

Called for British to Quit India in 1942.

Post Partition

Worked to quell violence after India's partition in 1947.


Assassinated by Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948.

Lasting Legacy

2nd October is celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence.

Global Influence

Inspired global leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.

Eternal Inspiration

Gandhi's principles continue to inspire millions globally.