oldest infantry regiment

By iastoppers.com

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of India


India’s oldest Infantry regiment traces its journey from the 1750s during the British East India Company era

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In 1748, Major Stringer Lawrence, appointed by the East India Company, initiated its development in Cuddalore, but officially established in 1758

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It played a crucial role in various movements with the British East India Company before independence and continued its service with the Indian Army post-independence

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Key contributions

All Indo-Pak wars, especially 1999 Kargil, Operation Pawan & Meghdoot, and UN Peacekeeping Missions in Congo, Lebanon, and Sudan

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"Swadharme Nidhanam Shreyaha" from the Bhagavad Gita, translates to "It is glory to die doing one’s duty"

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War Cry

Adopted in 1969,the Madras Regiment draws motivation by “Veer madrassi, adi kollu, adi kollu, adi kollu!” (Brave Madrassi, hit and kill, hit and kill, hit and kill!)

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It consists of an elephant surmounting a pair of Malabar swords with a shield at the crossing, and a scroll inscribed 'THE MADRAS REGIMENT'

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Regimental headquarters

Wellington, near Ooty (Udhaga-mandalam), in Tamil Nadu with 29 battalions

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