Kidney Transplants in India


Law, Demand, & Alleged Rackets

Organ Donation Probe

Government probes into alleged organ trade involving Myanmar villagers and Delhi's Apollo hospital

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Law vs Reality

India's laws prohibit organ trade, yet allegations of kidney scams persist, questioning the system

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Apollo's Stance

Apollo Hospital asserts legal compliance in transplants, amidst accusations of exploiting the poor

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India’s Transplant Law

Transplant law allows donations from relatives with strict scrutiny to prevent financial exploitation

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Safeguarding Donors

Transplant law allows donations from relatives with strict scrutiny to prevent financial exploitation

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The Punishment

Illegal organ trade in India can lead to 10 years in jail and fines up to Rs 1 crore

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Demand for Kidneys

High demand and low risk make kidneys a prime target for illegal transplants in India

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Closing the Gap

Boosting deceased donations can address organ shortages and reduce illegal transplant practices

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Registry and Awareness

Government initiatives like Aadhaar-linked donor registry aim to increase deceased organ donations

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