Kepler Space Telescope



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Cosmic Journey Begins

Named after the 17th C astronomer Johannes Kepler, this NASA observatory was launched in 2009

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A thrilling adventure to discover exoplanets, mysterious worlds residing far beyond our own solar system

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How it works?

Using the transit method, it looks for slight dimming of a star's light when an exoplanet passes in front of it

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Unfolding Goldilocks

In discovery of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of other stars, where conditions for life might be possible

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Earth-like Planets

Exoplanet Kepler-442b is one of the most Earth-like exoplanets found by Kepler

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Pioneering Discoveries

Kepler observed over 150,000 stars in its field of view till its extended operation period ended in 2018

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Extended mission K2

An array of astrophysical phenomena, including supernovae and star clusters

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Latest Addition

A new solar system, Kepler-385, having 7 planets receiving greater radiant heat than any solar planet

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Celestial Detective

4,400 exoplanet candidates and 700 multi-planet systems have astronomers buzzing on interesting galactic secrets to unfold

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