Kala Pani

Netflix's Web Series on Ancient Hindu Prohibition

According to the Baudhayana, sea voyages were forbidden in ancient India and resulted in loss of caste.

Sea Taboo

The Kala Pani taboo had a significant impact on upper castes, particularly Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

Caste Impact

Manusmriti prohibited Brahmins from traveling by sea, denying them posthumous rites if they did.

Manusmriti Rules

Pre-medieval India had a thriving maritime trade; the Rig Veda mentions sea voyages..

Maritime History

British East India Company modified rules respecting upper caste rituals in their army.

British Adjustments

The Bengal Army's revolt in 1824 at Barrackpore was fueled in part by the sea voyage ban.

1824 Revolt

The 1857 Revolt was partly sparked by mandatory overseas service for high-caste sepoys.

1857 Uprising

During British rule, the Andaman Cellular Jail, also called Kala Pani, served as housing for freedom fighters.

Cellular Jail

'Kala Pani' was a symbol of severe punishment that predated the prohibition against sea travel.

Kala Pani