Interesting facts about Mars that you might be unaware of


Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system, is about half the size of Earth with a diameter of 6,779 kilometers. Its gravity is only 38% of Earth's

Mars is known as the "Red Planet" due to the presence of iron oxide on its surface, giving its soil and rocks a distinctive reddish hue

Mars has two irregularly shaped moons, Phobos and Deimos, thought to be captured asteroids. Phobos orbits so closely that it rises and sets twice a day

A Martian day, or "sol," lasts approximately 24.6 hours, while a year on Mars is nearly twice as long as Earth's, lasting about 687 Earth days

Mars hosts Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano in the solar system, towering at about 13.6 miles (22 kilometers) and nearly three times the height of Mount Everest

Mars features Valles Marineris, one of the longest and deepest canyons in the solar system, stretching over 4,000 kilometers and reaching depths of up to 11 kilometers

Evidence of water on Mars includes ice at polar caps and subsurface ice. Some researchers believe liquid water may exist underground, raising possibilities for extraterrestrial life

Intermittent traces of methane in Mars' atmosphere pose a mystery, with the origin under investigation. It could signify biological or geological activity

Despite no direct evidence, Mars is a top candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life, with ongoing studies of its geology and climate informing assessments of potential habitability