Intangible Cultural Heritage



Meaning & Significance of


In 2023, Iftar, the evening breaking of fast by Muslims during Ramadan, was added to UNESCO's list for urgent safeguarding, highlighting its cultural significance

Mek Mulung, a Malaysian theatre tradition practiced since the 18th century, reflects a unique blend of dialogue, song, and dance, and is now facing threat of extinction

Garba, a vibrant folk dance from Gujarat, achieved global recognition by being inscribed in UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Humanity

ICH covers three Lists containing, (i)Need of Urgent Safeguarding, (ii) Representative List of ICH of Humanity, and (iii) Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

The concept of cultural heritage has evolved beyond monuments and artifacts to include living traditions and expressions linking the past, present, and future

ICH includes practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, and skills recognized by communities or individuals as an integral part of their Cultural Heritage

It is not just valued for its exclusivity but for its ability to foster community bonds and cultural understanding through inclusivity

India encompasses 15 Diverse expressions in the ICH List of Humanity such as Garba, Nowruz, Mudiyettu, Vedic chanting, Buddhist chanting of Ladakh, Yoga, Kumbh Mela, etc

The true value of intangible cultural heritage lies in its acceptance and transmission within the community, emphasizing mutual respect amidst globalization