Infinity EOIR


How is it a game changing equipment for Indian Armed Forces?

The Infinity EOIR fire control system, developed by Tonbo Imagin in Bengaluru, Karnataka, is a cutting-edge multi-sensor system designed to revolutionize the operation of crew-served weapons

Infinity ensures pin-point accuracy and efficiency, particularly transforming the operation of crew-served weapons like the Russian AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher

Infinity ensures unmatched precision and quick reaction times in all weather conditions, with flexible battlefield support and adaptive fire modes

Equipped with a laser range finder, GPS, and MET sensors, Infinity provides detailed environmental information crucial for accurate targeting

Infinity's ballistic computer calculates precise firing solutions based on environmental conditions, target range, and weapon parameters

Featuring an optional target speed calculator, Infinity improves accuracy by accounting for target movement in dynamic combat scenarios

Infinity clears the MIL-STD-810G test, proving its durability in harsh environments and rigorous use