Hybrid Animals?

By iastoppers.com

Do you know about these

Hybrid species

They are the result of cross-mating of two species of similar appearance and behaviors, often infertile

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Success Rate

Not all cross-breeding attempts are successful, their offspring health depends on species proximity

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Hybrid animals are named based on which species acts as the mother

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Cat Family

Leopo- Male leopard + female lion, Jaglion- Male jaguar + female lion, Tigon- Male tiger + female lion, Liger- Male Lion + female tiger

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Zubron- Cow + European bison, Dzo- Cow + wild Yak, Beefalo- Buffalo + cow, Geep- Goat + sheep

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Mulard- Mallard + muscovy Duck

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Cama- Camel + llama

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Narluga- Narwhal + beluga, Wholphin- Male false killer whale + female bottlenose dolphin

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Hinny- Female donkey + male horse, Zonkey- Zebra + donkey, Savannah Cat- Domestic cat + serval

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Big Animals

Grolar bear- Polar bear + brown bear, Zebroid- Zebra + any other equine

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Unusual Coywolf

Coyote +wolf is an exception among hybrids, capable of reproduction

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