Edwin Hubble

By iastoppers.com

The Man Who Expanded Our Cosmic Horizons

Who was Edwin Hubble?

A 20th-century astronomer who transformed our understanding of the universe

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What did he discover in Andromeda?

He initially thought he found a nova in the Andromeda "nebula"

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What is Hubble's Law?

Galaxies recede faster the farther they are from us

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Did Hubble win a Nobel Prize?

No, there was no Nobel category for astronomy

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What's his legacy?

The Hubble Space Telescope is named after him

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How did Hubble classify galaxies?

He created the Hubble sequence for galaxy classification

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What about universe's origin?

He suggested the universe had a beginning, hinting at the Big Bang

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How he measured galaxy distances?

He measured it using Cepheid variable stars

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What fields did Hubble influence?

Astronomy, cosmology, physics, and philosophy

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Why is Hubble significant today?

Because he opened new horizons in understanding the cosmos

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