How do flights land safely amid fog and low visibility?


Fog often disrupts flight operations, causing delays and cancellations, especially during winter at airports like Delhi

Despite dense fog causing delays and diversions, flights land safely and hence understanding the technology behind safe flight operations is crucial

Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a precision landing aid that ensures accurate guidance for flights during adverse weather conditions

Pilots use visual and audible cues from ILS to make real-time adjustments, ensuring the aircraft remains aligned with the desired glide path

ILS operates with ground-based equipment and avionics, guiding pilots during critical approach and landing phases

CAT III (Category III) technology of ILS, especially CAT IIIB, enables landing in low visibility conditions, enhancing flight safety at airports like Delhi, Amritsar, Jaipur, Lucknow, and Kolkata

ILS comprises the localizer and glide slope, transmitting signals to help pilots align their aircraft with the correct runway and maintain a proper descent path

The glide slope provides vertical guidance, aiding pilots in maintaining the proper descent angle for a safe landing

ILS-equipped runways have ground-based transmitters that emits signals received by the aircraft's onboard ILS receiver, allowing real-time adjustments

Pilots and ILS technology are essential, the absence of which can lead to delays and cancellations, requiring substantial financial and logistical investments