Houthis: Changing the Game

By iastoppers.com

Israel- Hamas Conflict Takes a Shocking Twist!

Who Are the Houthis?

An Islamist political and armed organisation that emerged from the Yemeni governorate of Saada in the 1990s

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Ideological Foundations

Rooted in Zaydism, the Houthis challenge mainstream Sunni beliefs

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Iran Connection

Iran’s clandestine Quds Force helped the Houthis to make their attacks more sophisticated

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Israel's Defense in Action

New Arrow missile defence system shot down two salvos of incoming fire hours apart as it approached the Red Sea shipping port of Eilat

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Broader Conflict

Involvement of the Houthis can draw Iran into the war in support of Hamas and the Gaza Strip

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Regional Implications

Experts weigh in on a possible new proxy battleground between Saudi and Iran

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