
Hottest Place in World

You Won't Believe People Live Here!

Death Valley, on the California-Great Basin border, is the Earth's hottest spot, often exceeding 49°C in summer

In August 2023, a lake formed in Death Valley due to Hurricane Hilary and remained despite extreme weather

The lake's persistence into February 2024, refilled by an atmospheric river, surprised locals and extended its expected duration

The valley hit a record 57°C in 1913 and had its hottest summer in 1996, with over 40 days above 49°C

"Death Valley" was named during the 1849 California Gold Rush after a deadly journey by gold seekers

The harsh valley supports diverse life, including desert bighorn and the Mojave Desert Tortoise

The Timbisha tribe, native to Death Valley, has lived there for over a thousand years

Three communities exist in Death Valley, adapting to the climate with various cooling methods

Despite extreme heat, the valley hosts a variety of wildlife, from rabbits to reptiles

Climate change is worsening living conditions in Death Valley, affecting residents' social lives