Great Backyard Bird Count


What, when, why and how does it take place?

Imagine your garden as a bustling city for birds. By joining the GBBC, you become the mayor, tracking the avian citizens, their routines, and their secrets

Birds are like nature's messengers, carrying tales of environmental changes. Your participation in GBBC India helps decode these messages for a better future

Every bird you spot and record is like casting a vote for nature conservation. GBBC India is your ballot box, where every bird counts

Think of birdwatching as a treasure hunt where every bird you discover adds a piece to the puzzle of our ecosystem's health. GBBC India is your map

The GBBC isn't just about counting birds; it's about connecting dots between climate change, habitat loss, and the avian population. Your observations make a difference

Ever wondered how birds adapt to urban sprawl? Your findings during GBBC India can provide invaluable insights into avian resilience and survival strategies

Participating in GBBC India is like being part of a nationwide science project, where your backyard observations contribute to global bird conservation efforts

Birds are indicators of environmental health. By taking part in GBBC India, you help monitor the pulse of our planet's ecosystems

The GBBC India offers a unique opportunity to be a citizen scientist, where your love for birds translates into actionable data for conservationists

Your participation in GBBC India is a step towards safeguarding avian biodiversity, ensuring that future generations will also enjoy the chorus of bird songs