Ganga Talao


Ever heard of Mauritius’s

linked to India's Ganges waters?

Legend has it that the lake's waters are directly connected to the holy Ganges in India, making it as sacred as the river itself

A Shivalingam discovered at the bottom of the lake during a drought is believed to validate the lake's divine origins

The village of Triolet, home to the first pilgrims, is considered a spiritual gateway for those visiting Ganga Talao

During Maha Shivaratri, the lake and its surroundings are transformed into a magnificent spectacle of lights, music, and devotional fervour

The temple complex houses some of the most intricate carvings and statues, made by artisans who believe they were divinely inspired

Divers have reported seeing the foundations of ancient structures beneath the lake, sparking legends of a submerged city

The temple's location is said to be in direct alignment with celestial bodies, amplifying its spiritual power

Rare herbs found around the lake are used in traditional medicines and rituals, believed to have been planted by the gods

It is rumored that secretive monastic orders perform rituals in the lake's vicinity, guarding ancient wisdom

A giant snake is believed to protect the lake, seen by those who are deemed pure of heart