All about

Gaganyaan Mission

Gaganyaan mission demonstrates ISRO's capability to launch a human crew to a 400 km orbit and return them safely

Launch vehicle for Gaganyaan is GSLV Mk III, renamed as Human Rated LVM-3 after safety reconfigurations

Astronauts for the mission will be trained in Russia

Collaboration for the mission involves various Indian departments, academic institutes, CSIR labs, and industry partners

Objectives include demonstrating India's human spaceflight capability and encouraging scientific careers in the country

Major tests include the Integrated Air Drop Test, Pad Abort Test, and Crew Abort Test Mission

Vyommitra, a humanoid robot, will be onboard the second uncrewed Gaganyaan mission for microgravity experiments

The manned flight will see an astronaut safely returning to Earth with a soft landing in the Arabian Sea off Gujarat's coast