Top 5 


Which are the

Extinct Species in India?

Extinct Species

It marks the complete disappearance of a species globally, while endangered species face the imminent risk of extinction

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Asiatic Cheetah

Fading Spots in the Indian Subcontinent

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Once majestic inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula and Indian subcontinent, they are on brink of global extinction, their last refuge confined to Iran

Pink Headed Duck

Last sighted in 1949, it is very likely to be extinct in India with occasional sightings in Myanmar

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Indian Aurochs

Extinct since the 13th century, Indian aurochs, with their dark hue, curving horns, and pronounced hump, once grazed the Indian subcontinent

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Himalayan Quail

Listed as Critically Endangered, it has not been sighted for over a century, disappearing from the lofty heights of the Himalayan mountains, possibly due to human-induced habitat alterations

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Asian Straight-Tusked Elephant

Extinct for around 30,000 years, this elephants were 13 feet with distinctive straight tusks, once roamed Asia and Europe

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Reasons for extinction

Highly specialized species, loss of Habitat, High genetic vulnerability, Pollution, Climate change, etc

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