Extinct but not extinct!

By iastoppers.com

Know about some species that are

The planet is home to over eight million species, but only 1.2 million have been identified, with some declared extinct then rediscovered

Australian Night Parrot

Thought extinct since 1912, was rediscovered in 2013 by naturalist John Young after 15 years of research

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A fish believed extinct with the dinosaurs, was found alive in 1938 near South Africa and again in 1998 off Indonesia

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Cuban Solenodon

A venomous mammal from Cuba, was declared extinct in 1970 but was rediscovered in 1974

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Terror Skink

20-inch long carnivorous lizard from New Caledonia, was believed extinct until a live one was found in 1993

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Fernandina Island Tortoise

Thought to be extinct for over 100 years, was found alive in 2019 on the Galapagos Islands

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