What is Ethics Committee of Lok Sabha, which is examining the charges on Mahua Moitra?

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The Genesis of the Ethics Committee

In 1996, a Presiding Officers’ Conference proposed such establishment for Lok and Rajya Sabha

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Ethics Committee of Rajya Sabha

Formed in 1997, by Vice President K R Narayanan for examining ethical conduct of Rajya Sabha members

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Lok Sabha's Initiatives

In 1997, Lok Sabha's (LS) privileges committee formed a study group to pave the way for an ethics panel

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Formation of Ethics Committee for LS

Despite setbacks, an ad hoc Ethics Committee for LS was established in 2000, which became permanent in 2015

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Composition of the Committee

Comprises a maximum of 15 members nominated by the, with tenure lasting up to one year

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Powers of the Committee

Examines complaints of unethical conduct referred by the Speaker and formulate a Code of Conduct

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Filing a Complaint

Any person or member can lodge a complaint in writing to the Speaker against LS member

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The complainant's identity can be kept confidential upon request

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Preliminary Inquiry

The Committee conducts a preliminary inquiry to determine if there is a prima facie case and informs the Speaker

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Further Examination

If a prima facie case is found, the Committee proceeds with a detailed examination

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Reporting and Recommendations

The Committee presents its recommendations in a report to the Speaker

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House Deliberation

After presentation, the Speaker may allow a debate on the motion for a maximum of 30 minutes

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Agreement on the motion

The House may then agree, disagree, or suggest amendments to the recommendations in the report

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