Enlighten yourself with the Eightfold Path

Gautama to Buddha

The Eightfold Path: Ancient Buddhist Roadmap to Enlightenment by Siddhartha Gautama after his profound realization.


Right View (Samma-Ditthi): Grasping reality's nature and transformation's path; the cornerstone of the Eightfold Path.

Compassion & Love

Right Thought (Samma-Sankappa): Fostering emotional intelligence, acting from compassion and love; vital attitude on the journey.

Honest Communication

Right Speech (Samma-Vacca): Truthful, uplifting, non-harmful communication; paving the way for harmonious interactions.

Ethical Actions

Right Action (Samma-Kammanta): Five precepts forming a moral code for non-exploitative, principled living in society.

Wholesome Livelihood

Right Livelihood (Samma-Ajiva): Foundation for a just society, livelihood based on ethical standards and right action.

Directed Energy

Right Effort (Samma-Vayama): Channeling life energy into transformative actions, promoting wholeness and conscious evolution.


Right Mindfulness (Samma-Sati): Self-understanding, observing behavior; the essence of self-value according to Buddha.

Deep Concentration

Right Concentration (Samma-Samadhi): Immersion in consciousness levels, aligning with meditative absorption for heightened awareness.

Journey's Fulfillment

The Eightfold Path's mastery leads to enlightenment, transcending suffering, and embodying the Buddha's profound teachings.