Did Alexander ever visited Kashmir?

By iastoppers.com

The Kashmir Valley or 'heaven on Earth,' were inhabited since the Neolithic age, marking early human settlements

During the Vedic period, Uttara-Kurus settled in Kashmir as the kingdoms of Vedic tribes expanded

Alexander the Great's conquest in India reached the Jhelum-Chenab region, impacting the fate of Kashmir

The Battle of the Hydaspes between Alexander and Porus marked Kashmir's engagement with Greek

Before the battle, Porus sought help from Kashmir’s King Abisares, in vain, but he himself submitted to Alexander later

Alexander, in victory, permitted Abisares to retain Kashmir with notable territorial additions

Kashmir witnessed diverse dynastic rules, evolving from Hinduism and Buddhism to Shaivism

Islam became dominant in the 14th century, altering Kashmir's religious landscape

The region's rule transitioned from Mughal to Durrani, Sikh, and British dominion until 1947

Alexander's encounter with Kashmir echoes in its dynamic history, shaping its fate through diverse civilizations and rulers