Unraveling the Depths

By iastoppers.com

India's Deep Ocean Mission (DOM)

Mission Overview

DOM is India's initiative to explore the Indian oceans, led by the Ministry of Earth Science

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Mission Overview

Part of the Prime Minister's Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PMSTIAC) and aligns with the blue economy agenda in India

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Mineral Resource Exploration

Aims to mine polymetallic nodules (PMNs) of minerals(copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt) in the central Indian Ocean, allocated by the United Nations International Seabed Authority

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Pillars of the Mission

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Manned submersibles (Varaha)

Climate change advisory services

Deep-sea mining technologies

Deep-sea biodiversity conservation

Hydrothermal mineral site identification

Ocean-based energy and freshwater harnessing


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One of the key components is Varaha, a self-propelled seabed mining machine designed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology for PMN collection

Technological Challenges

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Deep-sea pressure

Electronics and instrumentation

Seabed conditions

Power requirements

Visibility limitations

Environmental variations

Global Significance

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The United Nations has designated the decade 2021-2030 as the 'Decade of Ocean Science'

Economic and Scientific Impact

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India's objectives in blue trade and blue manufacturing, driving economic growth and scientific innovation

Overall Significance

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It addresses critical aspects of ocean exploration, mineral resource utilization, climate change monitoring, and technological advancements