
              Major Cities of the World

Know the

that experience

Scarcity of Drinking Water

The Crisis

Despite Earth's abundant water, drinkable water is scarce due to global warming, groundwater depletion, and pollution

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Echoes of History

Samuel Taylor Coleridge's words from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" resonate today, illustrating humanity's dire situation

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Delhi's Thirst

India's capital faces severe water scarcity, worsened by pollution and summer heat, making clean drinking water a luxury

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Beijing's Struggle

Despite efforts like canal systems, Beijing battles against water scarcity, compounded by climate change and agricultural demands

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Sao Paulo's Crisis

Brazil's populous city faces water shortages, threatening its culture-rich community. Tourists are advised to drink only sealed water

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Cairo's Dilemma

Reliant on the Nile for millennia, Cairo now turns to dwindling groundwater as the river fails to meet the city's needs

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Kabul's Hardship

Afghanistan's capital grapples with droughts, leaving most residents reliant on polluted wells for their water supply

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Global Reflection

These cities exemplify a worldwide crisis, reflecting a common struggle for clean water amidst plenty

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Call to Action

The situation urges global cooperation and sustainable water management to secure water for all

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