Charles Darwin’s Birth Anniversary


Know about his Theory of Evolution

Charles Robert Darwin

The Father of Evolution, born on February 12, 1809, revolutionised our understanding of life on Earth

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Birth of a Theory

After 20 years of meticulous study, Darwin introduced the world to the theory of evolution and natural selection

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Core of Darwin's Theory

All species share a common ancestor, diverging over time through natural selection

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Evolution as a Continuous Process

Evolution never stops. Species constantly evolve, adapting to environmental changes for survival and growth

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Significance of Adaptation

The process through which species change to thrive in new environmental conditions

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Relevance of Darwin

Over 160 years later, Darwin's theory remains a cornerstone, continuously supported by new genetic and fossil discoveries

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Evolution and Its Broader Impacts

Beyond biology, the theory of evolution influences our understanding of human origins, diversity, and our place in the natural world

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Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology illuminates the interconnectedness of life, guiding research in genetics, ecology, and conservation

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Closing Thought

Darwin's legacy endures, emphasising the importance of evolution in understanding the complexity and beauty of life on Earth

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